旅游条款 Terms & Condition
此行程需要您持有带有本人照片的有效证件 有效签证 This trip requires you to hold a valid ID with your photo, valid visa
行程的先后顺序将根据游客入团日期以及当地天气等情况重新调整,游览内容不变,展示行程仅供参考,请以最终出团通知为准;The order of the itinerary will be re-adjusted according to the date of entry of the tourists and the local weather. The content of the tour will remain unchanged. The displayed itinerary is for reference only. Please refer to the final departure notice;
如行程内标注时间与导游现场通知时间有出入,请以导游通知时间为准;If there is a discrepancy between the time marked in the itinerary and the time notified by the tour guide on site, please refer to the time notified by the tour guide;
根据每天行程将安排专线导游带领及讲解,每天将有不同的导游为您提供服务;According to the daily itinerary, a dedicated tour guide will be arranged to lead and explain, and there will be different tour guides to provide services for you every day;
请您按自身状况准备保暖衣物 Please prepare warm clothes according to your own condition
18岁以下未成年人参团,需要至少一名成年人全程陪同,或提交由监护人签字的免责声明;Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by at least one adult, or submit a waiver signed by the guardian;
如您未及时预订行程中相关的自费项目,团上可与导游联系预订,此费用将以现金形式收取;If you do not book the relevant self-paid items in the itinerary in time, the group can contact the tour guide to make a reservation, and the fee will be collected in cash;
客人如因个人原因(包括且不限于疾病、意外事故、迟到等)未能按照约定的集合时间和地点与导游汇合,而错失上车机会导致行程项目无法参加的,当日参团费用无法退还,If the guest fails to meet the tour guide at the agreed gathering time and place due to personal reasons (including but not limited to illness, accident, lateness, etc.), and misses the opportunity to get on the bus and cannot participate in the itinerary, the group participation fee on the day cannot be refunded.
温馨提示: Kind tips:
请您至少提前10-15分钟到达集合地点 Please arrive at the meeting point at least 10-15 minutes in advance
如受不可抗力因素(包括且不限于:自然灾害、政府或社会行为、意外事故或故障、道路阻断等)影响,以维护整个旅游团客人的安全与权益为第一前提的条件下,根据现场实际情况,我方有权利采取相应措施,并进行适当的调整,如临时更改行程的时间或内容甚至取消部分或全部游览景点等,并保留最终解释权。相关旅游费用无法退还,由此产生的额外费用(如:酒店延住,车导服务,用餐,机票改签等)需由客人自行承担;If affected by force major factors (including but not limited to: natural disasters, government or social actions, accidents or breakdowns, road blockages, etc.), under the premise of safeguarding the safety and rights of the entire tour group guests, according to the on-site In the actual situation, we have the right to take corresponding measures and make appropriate adjustments, such as temporarily changing the time or content of the itinerary or even canceling some or all of the scenic spots, etc., and reserve the right of final interpretation. Relevant travel expenses are non-refundable, and the resulting additional expenses (such as: hotel extension, car guide service, meals, ticket change, etc.) shall be borne by the guest;
自然灾害:洪水、地震、冰雹、暴风雪、海啸等 Natural disasters: floods, earthquakes, hail, blizzards, tsunamis, etc.
政府或社会行为:战争、罢工、游行、政权交替、政策变化、恐怖分子威胁等 Governmental or social actions: wars, strikes, demonstrations, regime change, policy changes, terrorist threats, etc.
意外事故或故障:交通工具如游览车等突发故障、游玩设备突然损坏、交通事故等阻断道路通行等 Accidents or breakdowns: Sudden breakdowns of vehicles such as tour buses, sudden damage to play equipment, traffic accidents, etc. blocking road traffic, etc.
道路阻断:天气、交通事故等客观原因导致的公路封路 Road blockage: road closures caused by objective reasons such as weather and traffic accidents
Standard Statement: "Entry to another country may be refused even if the required information and travel documents are complete."
Standard Statement: "Living standards and practices at the destination and the standards and conditions there with respect to the provision of utilities, services and accommodation may differ form those found in Canada"
如果您通过电子方式订购,如有任何疑问,请通过电话联系我们:(905)695-7770 If you have ordered electronically, and have any questions please contact us via telephone: (905)695-7770
允许涨价。 客户全额付款后,不得再涨价。 如果价格上涨超过 7%(GST/PST/HST 上涨导致的上涨除外),客户有权取消合同并获得全额退款。
Price increases are permitted. No price increases are permitted after the customer has paid in full. If the price increase is more than 7% (except increases resulting from an increase in GST/PST/HST), the customer has the right to cancel the contract and obtain a full refund.
其他护照持有者,请咨询天宝员工***您已经阅读,理解并且同意接受以上团队旅游政策条款. You have read, understood and accepted the above terms and conditions.
韩国 Korea
对于所有希望短期或长期前往韩国旅行的外国人,请阅读以下有关入境和 Covid19 规定的信息。 目前,包括未接种疫苗的人员在内,进入韩国的人员没有 PCR 检测或检疫要求。 但是,根据韩国健康规则,如果您在韩国逗留期间检测呈阳性/确诊 COVID,您可能需要进行 7 天隔离或行动限制。
For all foreigners who wish to travel to Korea short or long term, please read the below information regarding entry and Covid19 regulations. Currently there are no PCR test or quarantine requirements for people entering Korea including unvaccinated people. However, you may be subject to a 7-day quarantine or restriction of movement if you are tested positive/diagnosed COVID during your stay in Korea, as accordance with the Korean health rules.
1. 目前入境韩国没有 Covid 19 要求:不需要出发前 PCR 阴性检测证明和强制性 7 天入境检疫。
※ 对于从中国飞往韩国的人,请查看韩国驻华大使馆网站了解 Covid 要求。
1. There are no Covid 19 requirements at present for entry to Korea: Pre-departure Negative PCR test certificate and Mandatory 7 day entry quarantine are NOT required.
※ For those who are flying into Korea from China, please check the Korean Embassy in China website for Covid requirements.
自 2023 年 3 月 11 日起,所有从香港或澳门进入大韩民国的旅客(包括韩国国民)不再需要持有 COVID-19 PCR 阴性检测结果和 Q 码注册。
From 11th March, 2023, all travelers (including Korean Nationals) entering the Republic of Korea from Hong Kong or Macao are no longer required to hold a negative COVID-19 PCR test result and Q-code registration.
For travelers entering from China please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Republic of Korea for more information:
日本 Japan
入境日本前7日内曾在中国境内(香港地区,澳门除外)逗留过的所有旅客和归国人员,以及所有乘坐来自中国(香港地区,澳门除外)直飞航班的旅客和归国人员 ,需在检疫站进行入境检测。但是,从 2023 年 3 月 1 日凌晨 0:00(日本标准时间)起,所有从中国(不包括香港和澳门)乘直飞航班抵达的旅客和回国旅客中,最多约有 20% 需要在抵达时进行 COVID-19 检测 测试取样进行基因组序列分析。
From 0:00 am (JST) on December 30, 2022, all travelers and returnees who have stayed in China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) within 7 days prior to the entry and all travelers and returnees arriving from China (excluding Hong Kong) by direct flight are required to take on-arrival test at the quarantine station. However, from 0:00 am (JST) on March 1, 2023, up to approximately 20% of the all travelers and returnees arriving from China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) by direct flight are subject to an on-arrival COVID-19 test to take samples for genome sequence analysis.
所有从中国(香港,澳门除外)直飞航班的旅客和回国者需要提交出发前 72 小时内进行测试的COVID阴性结果证明,无论是否有疫苗接种证书。
All travelers and returnees arriving from China (excluding Hong Kong and Macau) by direct flight are required to submit a certificate of negative result of COVID-19 test conducted within 72 hours prior to departure with or without a vaccination certificate
根据新的边境措施,来自 B.1.1.529 Omicron 变种占大数的国家/地区的所有跨境旅行者和返回者(除 Omicron 以外的 COVID-19 变种占大数的国家/地区之外的所有国家/地区,根据新边境措施,不再需要在检疫站进行入境检测,在自己的住所或住宿地等场所进行自我隔离,并避免使用公共交通工具 。
Starting from 0:00 am (JST) on October 11, 2022, based on the New Border Measures (34), for all cross-border travelers and returnees from countries/regions where the B.1.1.529 Omicron variant becomes dominant (all countries/regions except for those where COVID-19 variants other than the Omicron variant become dominant, based on the New Border Measures (27) (February 24, 2022)), self-quarantine in places such as their own residence or accommodations and refraining from use of public transportation are no longer required in principle.
However, all returnees and entrants are required to provide either a valid COVID-19 vaccination certificate (3 doses) of vaccines on the Emergency Use List of World Health Organization (WHO) or a certificate of negative result of pre-departure COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours prior to departing from the original country/region.
The above information has been taken from the official website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, for more information visit the official website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan below:
价格条款 Terms & Condition
此行程需要您持有带有本人照片的有效证件 有效签证 This trip requires you to hold a valid ID with your photo, valid visa
行程的先后顺序将根据游客入团日期以及当地天气等情况重新调整,游览内容不变,展示行程仅供参考,请以最终出团通知为准;The order of the itinerary will be re-adjusted according to the date of entry of the tourists and the local weather. The content of the tour will remain unchanged. The displayed itinerary is for reference only. Please refer to the final departure notice;
如行程内标注时间与导游现场通知时间有出入,请以导游通知时间为准;If there is a discrepancy between the time marked in the itinerary and the time notified by the tour guide on site, please refer to the time notified by the tour guide;
根据每天行程将安排专线导游带领及讲解,每天将有不同的导游为您提供服务;According to the daily itinerary, a dedicated tour guide will be arranged to lead and explain, and there will be different tour guides to provide services for you every day;
请您按自身状况准备保暖衣物 Please prepare warm clothes according to your own condition
18岁以下未成年人参团,需要至少一名成年人全程陪同,或提交由监护人签字的免责声明;Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by at least one adult, or submit a waiver signed by the guardian;
如您未及时预订行程中相关的自费项目,团上可与导游联系预订,此费用将以现金形式收取;If you do not book the relevant self-paid items in the itinerary in time, the group can contact the tour guide to make a reservation, and the fee will be collected in cash;
客人如因个人原因(包括且不限于疾病、意外事故、迟到等)未能按照约定的集合时间和地点与导游汇合,而错失上车机会导致行程项目无法参加的,当日参团费用无法退还,温馨提示:If the guest fails to meet the tour guide at the agreed gathering time and place due to personal reasons (including but not limited to illness, accident, lateness, etc.), and misses the opportunity to get on the bus and cannot participate in the itinerary, the group participation fee on the day cannot be refunded.
请您至少提前10-15分钟到达集合地点 Please arrive at the meeting point at least 10-15 minutes in advance
如受不可抗力因素(包括且不限于:自然灾害、政府或社会行为、意外事故或故障、道路阻断等)影响,以维护整个旅游团客人的安全与权益为第一前提的条件下,根据现场实际情况,我方有权利采取相应措施,并进行适当的调整,如临时更改行程的时间或内容甚至取消部分或全部游览景点等,并保留最终解释权。相关旅游费用无法退还,由此产生的额外费用(如:酒店延住,车导服务,用餐,机票改签等)需由客人自行承担;If affected by force major factors (including but not limited to: natural disasters, government or social actions, accidents or breakdowns, road blockages, etc.), under the premise of safeguarding the safety and rights of the entire tour group guests, according to the on-site In the actual situation, we have the right to take corresponding measures and make appropriate adjustments, such as temporarily changing the time or content of the itinerary or even canceling some or all of the scenic spots, etc., and reserve the right of final interpretation. Relevant travel expenses are non-refundable, and the resulting additional expenses (such as: hotel extension, car guide service, meals, ticket change, etc.) shall be borne by the guest;
自然灾害:洪水、地震、冰雹、暴风雪、海啸等 Natural disasters: floods, earthquakes, hail, blizzards, tsunamis, etc.
政府或社会行为:战争、罢工、游行、政权交替、政策变化、恐怖分子威胁等 Governmental or social actions: wars, strikes, demonstrations, regime change, policy changes, terrorist threats, etc.
意外事故或故障:交通工具如游览车等突发故障、游玩设备突然损坏、交通事故等阻断道路通行等 Accidents or breakdowns: Sudden breakdowns of vehicles such as tour buses, sudden damage to play equipment, traffic accidents, etc. blocking road traffic, etc.
道路阻断:天气、交通事故等客观原因导致的公路封路 Road blockage: road closures caused by objective reasons such as weather and traffic accidents