佳美旅游 中国 签证


  • $ 1799 CAD 起/人 立即下载
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    • 行程天数:9 天
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D1 抵達墨爾本 Arrive Melbourne


G’ day & welcome to Australia! Upon arrival in Melbourne, you will be met and greeted at the airport arrival hall then transfer to your hotel.

D2 墨爾本-菲利普島企鵝歸巢 Phillip island Penguin Parade

早餐後自由遊覽市區,於中午時分出發參加企鵝島一日遊。菲利普島位於墨爾本東南128 公里處,也被稱作“企鵝島”,是墨爾本甚至是澳洲最著名的觀光勝地之一,每年吸引著上百萬的國內外遊客來這裡一睹難得一見的企鵝歸岸生態奇景。企鵝大遊行是每天暮色時分上演的大自然奇妙景觀。從觀景台、棧道和導遊指引下觀賞小企鵝搖搖擺擺的走過沙灘, 回到沙丘中的巢穴,為遊客提供體驗小企鵝歸巢的奇趣。 (溫馨提示由於風大,請備防水禦寒服裝,並禁止拍攝企鵝)。結束後返回墨爾本酒店休息。

Free at your own leisure before join the Phillip island penguin parade tour at noon, see flocks of penguins waddle around on the beach as they make their way home. Return to hotel in the late evening.

途中可自費參觀遊覽Optional programs

· 瑪魯考拉保育園Maru Koala and Animal Park $20/$11

· 巧克力工廠Chocolate Factory $17/$11

晚餐推薦中餐廳團餐Suggested dinner$18/$14


D3  墨爾本-大洋路 Great Ocean Road


This morning, we hit the road to a picturesque drive through the famous Great Ocean Road. Drive through Anglesea, Apollo Bay, Port Campbell National Park, scale down Gibson Steps for a beach level view of the magnificent rock stacks. Then reach the 12 Apostles before heading back to hotel.

途中可自費搭乘直升機從空中欣賞十二門徒石的全景15 minutes optional Scenic Helicopter Flight$140

午餐推薦團隊中餐Suggested lunch$18/$14


D4  黃金海岸-可倫賓鳥園-抓螃蟹遊船Gold Coast- Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary – Catch a crab Cruise

早餐後送往機場,搭乘國內航班飛往度假勝地黃金海岸。抵達後接機參加生態一日遊。前往可倫賓鳥園,因可餵食彩虹鳥而知名的可倫賓是澳大利亞最好的野生動物園之一,同時也是running man的拍攝地,擁有超過1400種澳大利亞特有的動物,是接觸大自然的好地方。除了可觀賞澳大利亞的特產如袋鼠、樹熊、鱷魚、袋貂之外,園區的日常表演也妙趣橫生:彩虹鸚鵡餵食,鳥類飛行表演,剪羊毛表演,兩棲類表演等等。 (停留2小時,導遊視人數情況入內)下午乘坐遊船去特維德角港口抓螃蟹。長達3個小時的捕捉螃蟹與其他活動將帶給您意想不到的愉快感受,通過各種各樣的活動,包括釣魚,捕捉淡水蟹蝦,捕蟹,螃蟹展和餵食雀鳥等,了解當地獨特的生活方式,了解螃蟹知識並更加積極參與其中,同時享用採用新鮮捕捉泥蟹烹煮的午餐,加上豐富自助餐,包括湯,米飯,沙律,麵包和水果為行程增色不少! (全程3小時,導遊視人數情況上船)。结束后返回黄金海岸酒店休息。

Transfer to airport for flight to Gold Coast, upon arrival, visit the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary where you will be able to feed the parrots and take a train ride to observe unique Australian animals such as kangaroo crocodiles Tasmanian devils dingoes and even cuddle a koala (charges apply). Then join Catch a Carb cruise enjoy pelican feeding, yabbies pumping, trapping for mud crabs, crab show, fishing or simply sit back and enjoy the spectacular scenery.

自费门票Admissions payable on-board:

· 可倫賓野生動物園Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary $49.95/成人,$35.95/兒童4-14

· 特維德角港口抓螃蟹含午餐Catch a Carb cruise with lunch $89/成人,$52/兒童3-14


D5 黄金海岸 – 天堂农庄 – 电影世界 Paradise Country – Movie World

早餐后参加欢乐一日游。前往著名的天堂農莊,餵袋鼠、與考拉合影、跟綿羊及小豬親密接觸,觀看騎馬、牧羊、擠奶、剪羊毛及扔迴力鏢等各種表演。 (停留2小時,導遊入內)下午前往三大主題公園之一的電影世界,在童話天地中穿行,與兔八哥等卡通明星們不期而遇。這裡還經常會有和華納電影有關的特技表演,金牌警校軍的警察抓小偷的特技表演也很有看頭,尤其是精彩絕倫的漂移飛車表演,一定令你驚呼不已! (停留4小時,導遊不入內)结束后返回黄金海岸酒店休息。

Enjoy an authentic Aussie farm experience at Paradise Country that reflects the traditional Australian bush culture, watch talented stockmen and sheep dogs round up a flock of sheep and observe sheep shearing shows. Then throw yourself into the fun and thrills of Movie World, the epicentre for the best rides and attractions in the country. Enjoy plenty of live action throughout the day with a huge variety of live shows and spot your favourite cartoon characters.

自费门票Admissions payable on-board:

· 天堂農莊$45/成人,$35/兒童3-13

· 電影世界$89.99/成人,$69.99/兒童3-13


D6 黄金海岸  海洋世界 – 悉尼Sea World - Sydney


Head over to Sea World, a world class resort complete with the best water themed sights and attractions. Watch a seal and dolphin show, visit the polar bear sanctuary or experience a friendly encounter with some penguin. Fly to Sydney in the afternoon, if time allows, join a Brisbane city tour before left. Transfer to hotel upon arrival Sydney.

自費門票Admissions payable on-board:

· 海洋世界 Sea World $89.99/成人,$69.99/兒童3-13


D7  悉尼-市區遊覽Sydney city

早餐後遊覽市區,著名的邦迪海灘、南角咀、屈臣氏灣、紅燈區、牛津街,都是不可錯過的景點。 下午參觀悉尼地標歌劇院。

Join a Sydney city tour, including Bondi Beach, Southhead, Watsons Bay, Kings Cross, Oxford Street, Opera House etc.

途中可自費參觀遊覽Optional programs:

· 悉尼水族館Aquarium$40/$28

· 杜莎夫人蠟像館Madame Tussauds$40/$28

· 野生動物園Wildlife Park$40/$28

午餐推薦搭乘遊船在暢遊達令港的同時享用午餐Darling harbor lunch cruise$55/$35


D8 悉尼-藍山Blue Mt


Join a Blue Mt day tour, explore the World-Heritage listed Blue Mountains. Crisp, clean, fresh mountain top air with distant blue haze horizons overlooking deep ravines with rainforest carpeting the valley floor. Visit Scenic World where you will enjoy the 3 different rides, the steepest incline Railway in the world down to a lush and hidden valley below, ascend on the Cableway taking in panoramic views and ride on the Skyway which glides between cliff tops 270 metres above ancient ravines and the rainforest canopy.

途中可自費參觀遊覽Optional Programs:

· 費得戴爾野生動物園Featherdale Wildlife Park$31/$17

· 土著文化中心表演Waradah Aboriginal Centre$20/$10

· 珍羅蘭鐘乳石洞Jenolan Caves$35/$24

午餐推薦團隊中餐Suggested lunch$18/$14


D9  悉尼-離開Depart Sydney


Free at your own leisure and take the last chance to do your shopping, before we transfer you to the airport for your departure flight.




